In Nordamerika bemerkten wir eine einheimische Singvogelart, die „Hornwachtel“, benannt nach den hornähnlichen Federbüscheln. Ihr lateinischer Name „Eremophila alpestris“ bedeutet „Wüstenliebhaber der hohen Berge“.Die Hornwachtel liebt es, steil und lautlos in den Himmel zu steigen, sich hunderte Meter über offenen Feldern zu erheben. Sie füllt den Himmel mit einem klingelnden Kaskaden von Tönen, bevor sie zum Boden hinabtaucht. Ihre markanten Federbüschel fingen unsere Vorstellungskraft ein und erinnerten uns an den Lenker, den du hältst. Ihr eleganter Aufstieg und melodischer Gesang in den weiten Himmel spiegeln die Essenz des Slopestyle-Radfahrens wider - Absprünge, Whips, Flips, Manöver, Landungen.

In der Praxis des Radfahrens über Sprünge aus Erde oder Boden und dem Abheben in die Luft, bei dem der Fahrer von Erdhügeln abspringt und dabei meist einen Trick in der Luft ausführt. Das Ziel geht über Geschwindigkeit hinaus, es geht um Eleganz und Kreativität bei jedem Manöver.

Inspiration & Spirit:

In the practice of riding bikes over jumps made of dirt or soil and becoming airborne, in that the rider jumps off of mounds of dirt, usually performing a midair trick in between. The objective transcends mere speed, it's about the elegance and creativity in every maneuver.

Ride on a BMX, Dirt Jump or Enduro bike, the joy and challenge of the ride are limitless, embodying the adventurous spirit at the heart of Alaudark.


Who we are

Owned by Just Great Bicycles (JGbike), we have been in bike industry since 2008, Alaudark was conceptualized in late 2019 and officially established at our headquarters in Casper, WY, USA. 

Introduced globally as a distinct brand in May 2020.

Whom we serve

“Athlete”, this is the only, loud and clear scope in terms of users we’d like to serve, We cater to ambitious individuals from every corner of the globe with these qualities:

Challenge: The pursuit of excellence through competition and self-improvement.

Motivation: Inspiring action and dedication towards achieving lofty goals.

Influence: The power to positively impact others and the world through their endeavors and achievements.

What we believe

We believe bikes must be designed in SIMPLICITY by nature; 

We believe it should be EASIER to access a desired bike;

We believe people have an EQUAL right to ENJOY biking as a meaningful part of life.

Our Mission

Connect young athletes all over the world together (everyone matters).

Our Vision

Become a globally renowned brand in the world of free style mountain biking. (We are a creator of Playful products, committing to quality, creativity, and the spirit of adventure that defines the style.)

Our Value

We believe bikes must be designed in SIMPLICITY by nature; 

We believe it should be EASIER to access a desired bike;

We believe people have an EQUAL right to ENJOY biking as a meaningful part of life.

The Purpose

Offering every youth the chance to gain global visibility. (Make a real impact on your life, and on the lives of others influenced by you)

We cannot accomplish this mission alone; we need every one of you. Together, let's embark on this meaningful journey.